Spiritual Weapon 5e: Unleashing Divine Fury


In the mystical realms of D&D, where gods and magic intertwine, the Spiritual Weapon spell stands as a beacon of divine power. As a cleric, you wield this potent evocation to manifest a spectral weapon that cleaves through enemies with otherworldly force. Let’s delve into the intricacies of this spell and explore its mechanics.

 Spiritual Weapon

Spell Details

  • Name: Spiritual Weapon
  • Level: 2nd
  • School: Evocation
  • Casting Time: 1 bonus action
  • Range/Area: 60 feet
  • Components: V, S
  • Duration: 1 minute

How It Works

  1. Summoning the Weapon: When you cast a Spiritual Weapon, a floating, spectral weapon materializes within 60 feet of you. Picture it as an ethereal blade, hammer, or any other form you desire.
  2. Melee Spell Attack: As part of the casting, you can make a melee spell attack against a creature within 5 feet of the weapon. Roll the dice and add your spellcasting ability modifier to determine the damage.
  3. Bonus Action Strikes: Here’s where the magic unfolds. On your subsequent turns, as a bonus action, you can move the spiritual weapon up to 20 feet and unleash another attack against a nearby foe.

Tactical Insights

  • Versatility: The weapon’s form is yours to choose. Whether it resembles a celestial mace, a radiant sword, or a divine Warhammer, let your faith guide its appearance.
  • No Concentration Required: Unlike some spells, Spiritual Weapon doesn’t demand concentration. Once summoned, it persists for the duration, awaiting your command.
  • Scaling Damage: As you grow in power, so does your spiritual weapon. When casting it with a 3rd-level spell slot or higher, the damage increases by 1d8 for every two slot levels beyond 2nd.

Tips for Clerics

  • Divine Arsenal: Clerics devoted to specific deities can flavor their spiritual weapon to resemble the god’s favored weapon. Imagine wielding the mace of St. Cuthbert or the hammer of Thor!
  • Tactical Movement: Use your bonus action wisely. Position the weapon strategically to strike foes or protect allies.

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The Spiritual Weapon spell embodies the divine wrath of clerics. It’s a versatile, non-concentration spell that lets you channel your faith into a spectral blade, smiting foes in the name of your chosen deity. So, next time you’re in battle, remember to invoke this ethereal ally—it might just be the key to victory.

May your rolls be critical, and your spiritual weapon ever true! 🎲⚔️

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