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100+ Monday morning quotes to start your week with positivity and motivation

100+ Monday morning quotes to start your week with positivity and motivation

“Rise and shine, it’s Monday time!”

“Mondays are for fresh starts.”

“Embrace the beauty of a new week.”

“Monday is the day that opens up the week.”

“Start your week with a smile.”

“Make Monday the day that sets the tone for the rest of the week.”

“New week, new goals, new opportunities.”

“Mondays are for making things happen.”

“Seize the day, especially if it’s a Monday.”

“Monday: A chance to reset and refocus.”

“Let your Monday be filled with purpose.”

“Mondays are a gift. Make the most of them.”

“Monday is the canvas of the week; paint it with your goals.”

“A positive attitude can turn a Monday into a blessing.”

“Mondays are for fresh perspectives.”

“Welcome Monday with open arms.”

“Each Monday is a blank page in your book of life.”

“Monday is a day of possibilities.”

“Monday is the day to be back at your passion.”

“Make Monday the day that inspires others.”

“Mondays are for making memories.”

“Monday is a reminder that every day is a fresh start.”

“Dress up your mind with positivity this Monday morning.”

“Mondays are the start of something beautiful.”

“Monday is the key to a successful week.”

“The journey of a thousand miles begins with a Monday morning.”

“Mondays are for building dreams.”

“Start strong, finish stronger – that’s the Monday way.”

“A great week starts with a great Monday.”

“Monday is the perfect day to correct last week’s mistakes.”

“Mondays are for setting the pace.”

“Rise above the Monday blues with enthusiasm.”

“Your attitude determines your Monday altitude.”

“Mondays are your chance to sparkle.”

“Let’s make Monday the best day of the week!”

“Monday: The day you can be unstoppable.”

“Mondays are for taking bold steps towards your dreams.”

“Monday is the day to start your journey to success.”

“Mondays are for hustling towards your goals.”

“Embrace the magic of a new Monday.”

“A fresh week begins with a fresh Monday.”

“Monday is a gift; don’t waste it.”

“Mondays are the runway to a successful takeoff.”

“Seize the opportunities that Monday brings.”

“Mondays are for creating a life you love.”

“Make Monday your favorite day of the week.”

“Monday is the day to shine brighter than ever.”

“Your Monday mindset determines your week’s outcome.”

“Mondays are for making things happen.”

“Embrace the challenges of Monday with courage.”

“Monday is a fresh start; own it.”

“Mondays are for chasing your dreams.”

“Let’s conquer Monday and the rest of the week will follow suit.”

“Mondays are for setting the tone of your week.”

“Start your week with a positive attitude.”

“Monday is the day to be the best version of yourself.”

“Mondays are for creating success stories.”

“Your journey to success begins anew each Monday.”

“Monday is a day of infinite possibilities.”

“Mondays are for turning dreams into goals.”

“Rise above the noise and make your Monday count.”

“Monday is your platform to greatness.”

“Mondays are for embracing change.”

“Seize the day and conquer your Monday goals.”

“Monday is the day to rewrite your story.”

“Mondays are for turning setbacks into comebacks.”

“Embrace the challenges of Monday as stepping stones.”

“Monday is the day to find your inner strength.”

“Mondays are for chasing your passions.”

“Your destiny awaits; start with Monday.”

“Monday is your opportunity to inspire others.”

“Mondays are for creating a life you love waking up to.”

“Let’s make Monday the best day of the week.”

“Monday is your canvas; paint it with positivity.”

“Mondays are for pursuing your purpose.”

“Embrace the unknowns of Monday with enthusiasm.”

“Monday is the day to be your own hero.”

“Mondays are for taking the first step towards greatness.”

“Start strong, stay strong, finish stronger – it’s a Monday mantra.”

“Monday is your chance to shine brightly.”

“Mondays are for setting the pace of success.”

“Rise above the Monday blues and shine.”

“Monday is the day to make your dreams reality.”

“Mondays are for building a life worth living.”

“Each Monday is a new opportunity to grow.”

“Monday is the key to a fulfilling week.”

“Mondays are for creating your own sunshine.”

“Monday is your opportunity to leave a mark.”

“Mondays are for making your presence felt.”

“Embrace the power of Monday.”

“Start your week with a Monday mindset.”

“Mondays are for turning challenges into triumphs.”

“Monday is the day to turn aspirations into actions.”

“Mondays are for chasing your passion with zeal.”

“Seize the day, and make Monday your masterpiece.”

“Monday is your invitation to success.”

“Mondays are for writing the story of your life.”

“Embrace the energy of a new Monday.”

“Monday is the day to be the change you wish to see.”

“Make this Monday the beginning of something beautiful.”

I hope these Monday morning quotes inspire and motivate you for the week ahead!

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